
To support the growing population and train patronage demand between Brisbane, Logan and the Gold Coast, the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) needs to double the number of Beenleigh and Gold Coast train services over the next 20 years. The rail line between Kuraby and Beenleigh is a key capacity bottleneck on the rail corridor.

The Australian and Queensland governments will double the number of tracks between Kuraby and Beenleigh, with modernised rail systems, station upgrades, and level crossing removals.

Community engagement on the refined reference design for the Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail project, and the detailed design for the Loganlea Station Relocation, closed on Sunday 10 December 2023.

Feedback on the refined reference design will inform further design development for the project. TMR will keep the community updated on outcomes and opportunity for further input as we progress through future design stages.

As the detailed design for the Loganlea Station Relocation project is now complete, community feedback will help TMR to confirm the design and finalise requirements for construction phase activities.

Project fly-through

Project map

Click the animated icon to view images and maps related to each station upgrade or level crossing removal.

The following images and maps are concept only and not for construction. They are subject to change.

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This project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments